Purple Knit

I love purple, anything with purple... 最近迷上編織瘋狂的織,織,織... 阿亮說過,"凡走過必留下痕跡",別忘了在我的comments box留下您的痕跡喔!

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

May 05, 2007

The Not-So-Shrunken Cardigan

Yarn/線材: Elsebeth Lovold Silky Tweed #2 - 7 hanks

Pattern/圖樣: Marilyn's Not-So-Shrunken Cardigan by Wendy Bernard

Size/尺寸: 34" (胸圍 34 英吋)

Needles/針號: Denise #5 circular (Denise 5號 輪針), Balene #5 16" circular (5號 16英吋 輪針)

Duration/製作日期: 3/31/07-4/20 /07

Another great knit from Wendy, and it's also knit from the top down! Her instructions (4 pages) were so clear and detailed as always, I didn't need do any alteration at all, I followed the pattern step by stop. I did get bored after I finished the body, it's all stockinette stitches, I don't mind doing knit stitches, but not purl stitches; so I did put it down for almost about a week without touching it. I finally started the sleeves using the 16" circular needles, it's all knit stitches again!! I like knit in the round, but I think Lara knit it flat and sew it together later, I don't like DPNs neither, so I rather invest more money on those 11~16" circular needles. I used the same yarn as the pattern calls for, this yarn is very soft and nice to knit with, I normally not a fan of the tweed yarn, but this one, it's just have a very very comfortable touch to it...I will definitely use it again. I used the Denise interchangeable needles for this project, it was grey-ish color, but it turned light mauve after I finished the sweater....I guess the yarn bleeds a little, so I use cold water to soak the sweater couple of times, now it's on my blocking board, it will probably take few days to dry, I'll post another picture when it off the board.

又一件由上往下織的毛衣,決定織的時候還蠻涼的,所以很努力的織,希望還有機會穿的到.結果懶病又發作,拖到現在才有空定型.這個作者的圖樣超仔細的,落落長的四大頁,她把所有想得到的問題都放在圖樣解說裡了. 這件織起來其實很簡單,織到後來變的好無聊喔!所以把身體部分織完後,放了大概快一個禮拜才又開始織袖子.袖子我是用5號16英吋輪針去織的,我不太喜歡用雙頭針去織袖子,我寧願去投資11~16英吋的輪針織起來舒服多了. 這件短外套用的毛線我也很喜歡,本來我不是tweed毛線的愛用者,但是這組線織起來真的很軟很舒服,不像大部分這類線的感覺比較粗糙. 這件毛衣還在定型板上,大概還要幾天才會乾,晚一點再放照片上來吧!

Here is the picture of me with the cardigan!



At 5/16/07, 6:35 PM, Blogger Celia said...

穿起來不錯看耶! 哇~ 妳現在肚子很大了喔!


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