Purple Knit

I love purple, anything with purple... 最近迷上編織瘋狂的織,織,織... 阿亮說過,"凡走過必留下痕跡",別忘了在我的comments box留下您的痕跡喔!

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

March 26, 2007

Flower Scarf & Real Simple Scarf 花朵 & 極簡圍巾

Yarn/毛線: Katia Gatsby (77% Viscose, 15% Polyamide, 8% Polyester, 115yd/50g) #88502 (黑/銀) - 1.25 balls/球
Pattern/圖樣: Joey's KAL Joey 編織屋
Hook/針號: #2
Size/尺寸: 158cm x 12cm

Yarn/毛線: S. Charles Ritratto (28% Mohair, 53% Viscose, 10 % Polyamide, 198yds/50g) #72 - 1.33 balls/球
Pattern/圖樣: Joey's KAL Joey 編織屋
Hook/針號: #2
Size/尺寸: 164cm x 9.5cm

Accidentally saw these scarves at Joey's Blog, they were doing a KAL, couldn't resist, just have to try it. I thought I no longer want to do scarves anymore, I thought I'm way beyond the scarves, but the scarves I saw these past few weeks were simply too cute to miss. Some of these patterns are from Japanese Knitting/crocheting books which I can never find it here, and even if I found some, it's in Japanese, unless you know how to read the chart, it's kind of hard to follow. Join the KAL for these projects is perfect, most likely you will find someone to help you if you do come to a problem. I'm glad I finished both of them within the time limit. YEAH!!



花朵就麻煩多了,試線就適了2~3組都不滿意,然後又換針,拆了好幾次才定案.這個圖樣也不那麼容易記起來,一直都得放在面前才行,要知道拆毛海還不如剪掉算了(我說的,真是對極了).線跟針都對了以後鉤起來就很順啦!全部都整理好了準備交作業時,才看到Joey說應該是鉤兩條再合併起來才算完成.嗯...我比較喜歡現在這樣,感覺比較秀氣,兩條併起來掛在身上對我這不高的人.....好啦!就這樣吧!算及格嗎, Joey?!

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At 3/27/07, 12:46 PM, Blogger Celia said...

好看好看! 那條銀黑極簡很好搭配衣服喔!
那條花朵這樣是比較秀氣, Ritratto那個線是粉美的喔!
妳有沒有看到瑪格那兩條(, )? 我喜歡那個雙色的.
這樣啦, 我織一件shrug給妳, 那妳織一條極簡給我 - 我要藍/綠/紫色系的喔! 好啦, 就這樣說定啦!

At 3/27/07, 9:37 PM, Blogger Tcknit said...

鉤是不難啦,但是收豆豆的線頭時,厚!真的不知如何是好,這線黑黑的隨便藏藏就看不到了.要我織可以,妳去找線來,要找細一點的才不會太粗魯,段染細線不好找喔(厚,還要藍綠紫色系)!Good Luck!等妳的線囉!哦!不用妳買寄來給我,只要跟我說用啥線,我在這兒找呗!

At 3/28/07, 5:09 PM, Blogger Celia said...

Tahki Star可以嗎? 應該一球就可以打發了吧? 009, 010, 016, 017 這幾個顏色都不錯看, 不過你們那邊有誰在賣啊?

At 3/30/07, 4:59 PM, Blogger Tcknit said...

Elsabeth Lavold Cotton Frappe(Webs有),但沒有妳指定的色系 :(


At 4/6/07, 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cute flower scarf, with unusual mossy colouring! I did a simple scarf as well, and it's so wearable that I've done another one for my mother hehe. How do you manage to find time to knit and take classes with a 3yo and being pregnant???? My 3yo son and 6m old daughter drive me nuts!!~~~

At 4/13/07, 5:15 PM, Blogger Tcknit said...

To Ausoleil,

Welcome! Thanks for visiting.

I think I am going to feel what you feeling right now when my baby is born...hahaha...

I found that knitting is the only hobby that I can do it "anywhere" at "anytime". Right now I guess I'm trying to do it as much as I can, obviously when the baby comes I won't be able to do it for a long time....

At 2/27/11, 1:57 PM, Blogger Celeste said...

Salut, ton travail tricot est superbe.
Amities . Celeste


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