Purple Knit

I love purple, anything with purple... 最近迷上編織瘋狂的織,織,織... 阿亮說過,"凡走過必留下痕跡",別忘了在我的comments box留下您的痕跡喔!

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

September 20, 2007

Pineapple border bolero 鳳梨花小背心

Yarn/線材: Jaeger Siena (100% Mercerized cotton, 153 yds, 50g) #405 Seaspray - 3 balls

Pattern/圖樣: Courtesy of a fellow blogger 紅豆

Hook/針號: Boye 3.5mm

Duration/製作日期: 7/22/07~7/28/07

Wow, can't believe it's been more than a month since I entered anything in my blog. Being lazy was one thing, also the last month of pregnancy was a pain in the "butt" (literally, really!). The baby is here now, we decided to induce him on 8/28, everything went well, I'm adjusting how to live my life with a 4-year old and a newborn boy. It's gonna be tough!!!

哇! 真不敢相信我有兩個多月沒有發文了. 一方面是懶, 一方面實在是太累了, 懷孕最後一個月真是超不舒服的, 全身骨頭都痛, 晚上睡覺翻身都是個難題, 尤其是屁屁骨盆的部位真的很痛呢! 所以我們後來決定在8/28催生, 現在的我還在調適新生活, 一個四歲加一個新生兒, 想想都怕咧!

Anyway, I've finished this bolero long time ago, but was too lazy to post it. This bolero was kind of easy to crochet, it's hard to believe that I still ripped twice before I could finish this one. Well, the first one, I didn't like the yarn I chose, so I ripped it. Then I started my second one while I was watching a movie, and I crocheted the whole back piece, and half side of the pineapple border, when I started my second half of the pineapple border that when I realized that my pineapple didn't line up in the center back, trace back....I mis-count my starting chain stitches, so I had to rip it (crying so hard). Third time is the charm, I liked the yarn I used, and I followed the chart very carefully especially when there were some rows that the number of chain stitches were different between the double crochet stitches. Overall, I like this project, I will definitely make another one when I have time...

其實這件小背心早就完成了, 只是懶病發作不想動. 我之前就有在大陸網站看到這件小背心的織圖, 當時看過也沒怎麼留意, 後來看到紅豆的成品, 真是像紅豆形容的超有氣質的! 馬上就跟紅豆要了織圖決定也來鉤一件. 選線就選了很久, 在完成這件之前就拆了兩次呢. 第一次不喜歡選的線鉤起來的感覺, "氣質"不夠好所以拆了. 第二次是我在看電影時重新開始, 因為已經鉤過一次所以很有自信的鉤鉤鉤, 鉤完了後背也鉤完半邊的鳳梨花邊, 開始鉤另外一半花邊才發現兩個鳳梨花接頭的地方沒有在正中間! 天啊! 檢查了半天才找到問題, 是我一開始的鎖針就少了幾針, 所以... 唉...拆吧! 第三次就小心多了, 看圖看的很仔細, 連在長針之間的鎖針都算的很清楚, 就怕又弄錯又得重來. 這次用的線也還可以, 完成的小背心還挺滿意的! 說實在的, 我的運氣還不錯, 成品的尺寸我還能穿, 照織圖原來的尺寸對我來說可能有點小, 我的段數又不夠高, 讓我能把尺寸加大, 後來想想我用的線比較粗, 針號也比較大, 也許行的通喔! 還好沒讓我失望! 但是我還是比較喜歡紅豆那件的感覺, 美國的細線真的很少, 有時候真的有股衝想跟羊咩買線, 不知道羊咩願不願意寄到美國來呢?!


At 9/21/07, 11:07 PM, Blogger handknit168 said...

another popular bolero. sometimes it is hard to get the correct size when using different thickness of yarn. yours is beautiful.

BTY, congratulation of having a boy.

At 1/20/10, 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the informative information - I enjoyed reading it! I always enjoy this blog. :) Cheers, video of human birth


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