Purple Knit

I love purple, anything with purple... 最近迷上編織瘋狂的織,織,織... 阿亮說過,"凡走過必留下痕跡",別忘了在我的comments box留下您的痕跡喔!

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

June 28, 2007

Chinese Craftster?

Ever since I found some fellow bloggers in Taiwan, they always mentioned that they found their patterns in China's websites, especially the ones from the out of print books. So, the past few days I spent a lot of time surfing...and I found this website http://www.bianzhirensheng.com/. Whew, they do have a lot of good stuff in it, it's somewhat similar to the Craftster.org. I found this Lili's showcase (there are total of 198 pages, and I'm still reading thru them, I'm at page 120), seems like she started crocheting in 2005, and most of her FOs were "free handed" (is that a word?), she posted some really good FOs, everyone wanted her patterns, but according to her replies, she kind of sort of just made them up when she made them, she didn't really take notes or draw charts. My god, she's good! I wanted to make couple of her boleros, but all she has was just the "motif" of her design, no detail instructions; I'm spoiled, I need detail instructions to make something!!! And to be honest, even when I have detail instruction I still may not finish something that beautiful.

There's also another post from a different user, she posted a lesson of how to make a "Butterfly bolero". She posted step by step pictures to help others to follow her instructions, she did have a little bit of written instructions, but I'm still so confused by it. I think I'll try to sit in front of my laptop and follow her photo directions and see if I will come up with something similar to her butterfly bolero. Wish me luck!!

自從在一些台灣格友那發現可以在大陸網站找到很多圖樣後 一直很想試試看 可以找到些甚麼. 前幾天找到編織人生這個站, 裡面的內容還真不少呢! 看的我眼花撩亂的, 無意中看到狸狸作品集, 哇!這位小姐的作品真的不錯咧, 蠻多人跟她要織圖, 她這個"帖"總共有198頁,(我才看到120頁, 還有得看呢), 看了幾十頁才發現這位狸狸小姐很厲害, 她都是找好一個模樣然後就自行發展了, 所以跟她要織圖要不就沒有, 要不就只有一個模樣圖. 起針該起多少, 鉤到那裡加減針, 都得自己想像. 難咧! 不過看著她的成品還是很開心的啦! 也許那一天開竅了也可以邊看電視邊鉤衣服三個鐘頭完成一件鉤衣. (嘻! 做做白日夢可以吧!)

另外還有一"帖"也不錯, 她提供網上教學, 是藍蝶bolero改裝版(原版是怎樣我都還莫宰羊呢). 這位小姐有提供各步驟的照片, 所以看起來可能可以學起來呢! 她也提供了作法,只是看起來還是蠻模糊的,也許一邊鉤一邊看才能體會吧!



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