Purple Knit

I love purple, anything with purple... 最近迷上編織瘋狂的織,織,織... 阿亮說過,"凡走過必留下痕跡",別忘了在我的comments box留下您的痕跡喔!

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

October 26, 2007

More crochet hooks?!

These hooks are so nice to look at, aren't they?! I really wasn't planning on buying the whole set, I bought the size C~F (don't really have projects that need the larger hooks) from Joann.com, they had it on sale and free shipping, how could I resist it! Recently I did more crochet than knitting, and with a baby, the lighted hook seems like a good idea! Yesterday, I went to Michaels to buy yarns for Knitty's Cherie Amour, and saw they started to carry these crochet hooks, I'm pretty excited, with 40% coupon every week, soon I'll have the whole set; then I saw a sale sign said the "lite knitting needles" were 50% off...hey...those crochet hooks were hanging right on top of the knitting needles, were they on sale too??? So I asked, they are!! At $3.99 each, of course I grab the rest of the sizes! Are they any good? Well, I still like the Soft Touch ones, but these will come in handy if I do need to crochet in the dark!!


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