ネツト編みのやわらかボレロ 鎖針地獄
Yarn/線材: Filatura Di Crosa Brilla (42% Cotton, 58% Viscose) #406 pink - 5.5 balls
Hook/針號: Japanese crochet hook #6 (3.5mm)
Pattern/圖樣: Joey編織の屋 群編會10月份活動
Duration/製作日期: 11/9/07~1/9/08
When I saw Joey posted the Oct. 06 KAL projects, my first choice was the first crochet top, I immediately joined the KAL, not thinking that I just had a newborn baby...where would I find the time to crochet??? Oh well, I love that top too much, I'll find the time even if it will take me 6 months to do it! I did several swatches using different yarns different crochet hooks, nothing worked to my liking, I just couldn't find "the right yarn" that would give me the right feeling. Then I saw most fellow bloggers made the third bolero, some of them turned out real nice; I especially like the one prattflora made (Thanks her for providing the border pattern!), and I found this Brilla in my stash, perfect fot this bolero! This bolero really wasn't hard, it just between taking care a 4 year old and a newborn baby, I can't really crochet all I want, that's why it took this long! But at least it's finished now, yeah!!!
Hook/針號: Japanese crochet hook #6 (3.5mm)
Pattern/圖樣: Joey編織の屋 群編會10月份活動
Duration/製作日期: 11/9/07~1/9/08
When I saw Joey posted the Oct. 06 KAL projects, my first choice was the first crochet top, I immediately joined the KAL, not thinking that I just had a newborn baby...where would I find the time to crochet??? Oh well, I love that top too much, I'll find the time even if it will take me 6 months to do it! I did several swatches using different yarns different crochet hooks, nothing worked to my liking, I just couldn't find "the right yarn" that would give me the right feeling. Then I saw most fellow bloggers made the third bolero, some of them turned out real nice; I especially like the one prattflora made (Thanks her for providing the border pattern!), and I found this Brilla in my stash, perfect fot this bolero! This bolero really wasn't hard, it just between taking care a 4 year old and a newborn baby, I can't really crochet all I want, that's why it took this long! But at least it's finished now, yeah!!!
距離上次參加群編會已經有好幾個月了, 一方面是懷孕後期超懶超累大概無法在期限內完成作品, 不敢喊有; 一方面也是因為打好以後短期內也不能穿. 本來還很慶幸Joey大大這幾期挑的衣衣都難度太高, 自知能力不夠, 所以可以只在旁邊看看大家的作品, 結果10月份就來個百變造型秀...我最愛這種可以換穿式的衣衣了, 二話不說馬上就去報名, 決定不睡覺也要鉤第一件上下顛倒穿. 誰知道試了好幾組線, 也用了不同的鉤針, 就是找不到我要的感覺. 後來是看到了阿福的華麗版鎖針地獄, 好美喔! 當下變節, 找了這組線, 動手鉤起鎖針地獄. 阿福的部落格裡有很詳細的說明她如何改編, 我也就照作啦. 後來再去請問她花邊的鉤法, 她也非常幫忙的把圖樣po上, 真的很謝謝她呢! 其實這件鉤起來一點也不難, 只是要在照顧兩個小孩之間找空閒時間來鉤真是很難呢! 還好終於完成囉!! 又可以去喊有囉! 一月份的斗篷很美呢....
哇! 好美喔!!! 妳鉤得很整齊呢!!!
I should notify my pal about your post.
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