Floweral scarf 花朵圍巾
Yarn/線材: Rowan Kidsilk Haze + Hand painted rayon yarn from Mystical Creation Yarn (eBay)
Hook/針號: Boye size F (3.75mm)
Pattern/圖樣: 秋冬 ボレロ ショール ケープ
This was one of the "little" projects I've been working on. I made this for mom as Christmas present. It's always so hard to find mom a present, she basically has everything already, she likes to knit/crochet, but she is always always busy taking care everybody, she has no time for that. So, how about I make one for her? But then, what do I make? Scarf? Sweater? I don't have time to make a sweater for her, and her taste is way up there...can't do! Okay, scarf it is. I combine one strand of Rowan's kidsilk haze and one strand of the rayon yarn I bought from eBay seller Mystical-Creation-Yarn. I like this little project, I'll probably find time to make one for myself.
最近迷上織小物, 沒時間織衣服嘛! 這條小領巾是給媽咪的聖誕禮物, 每次到了送禮的季節, 最頭痛的就是媽咪的禮物. 基本上她啥都不缺, 我知道她也很喜歡編織, 可是她永遠忙著照顧家裡的每個人, 忙的很呢! 所以想想就送樣自己作的編物吧! 但是送什麼呢? 衣服花太多時間, 她的品味又高高在上, 還是送條小圍巾吧! 這條鉤起來也很快, 我拉了兩股線, 一股毛海, 一股是我在網拍(eBay)買來的線, 搭起來還不錯看呢! 我想我會找時間再鉤一條給自己, 那一球毛海我才用掉3分之1, 夠我再鉤兩條呢! 用線超省! 我喜歡!!
Oh, love this floweral scarf. I have 1.5 balls of yarn and my friend has once said to me that she wants such a floweral scarf. Is this scarf has a "hole" at one end to insert the tail of the other end? May I ask can I have this pattern ?
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