Purple Knit

I love purple, anything with purple... 最近迷上編織瘋狂的織,織,織... 阿亮說過,"凡走過必留下痕跡",別忘了在我的comments box留下您的痕跡喔!

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

December 01, 2006

First Snow

I thought it would be worse, not too bad at all, looks like only 4" vs. 6~12". We will take the little one out to play later in the afternoon. Snowman, snow ball, snow angel?

Here is the WIP report, Bubble pullover on blocking board, I'm only doing the neck and armhole areas for now, so I can sew the sleeves on. And the Clapotis is moving pretty fast, love the drop stitch effect.



At 12/2/06, 3:37 PM, Blogger Celia said...

Ooooh... that looks cold... I heard on the news that the storm in Midwest was pretty bad. The weather out here has been cold too (overnight dipping near 30's)... I guess I shouldn't complain compared to you guys... haha... Not gloating, not gloating at all...
The Clapotis looks pretty cool.


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