Purple Knit

I love purple, anything with purple... 最近迷上編織瘋狂的織,織,織... 阿亮說過,"凡走過必留下痕跡",別忘了在我的comments box留下您的痕跡喔!

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

March 31, 2008

Red Capelet 夯夯夯的紅色斗篷

Yarn/線材: Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino 5 balls + 12gm, Color/色號: 700
Pattern/圖樣: Joey編織の屋 (2008年1月)
Tool/工具: Clover Lite 3.5mm
Duration/製作日期: 1/31/08~3/17/08

It seemed like I've converted to crochet now (ney, I still knit!), I mean crochet really goes a lot faster, I can see my FOs much faster than my knitting FOs. I love Joey's KAL, for Jan. 08 she picked out several projects for fellow bloggers to choose from, I chose this one! I joined the very last minute and already lots people finished their projects, most of them chose this capelet too, so I got to see what yarns other crocheters used for their capelets.

終於完成這件超夯的紅斗篷囉 好高興呢 粉滿意這次的成品唷!
當初在喊又時 已經是一片紅海了 但是真的粉喜歡這個樣式 就還是選了它了
我發現每次參加群編會我最大的問題就是選線 這回也不例外
原本想從自己手邊有的線挑 試了幾組 都不是太滿意 最後還是給毛線店再賺一筆了啦

This pattern wasn't very hard, I pretty much memorized the pattern after few repeats, I didn't have to make any alteration, just follow the pattern, voila!

I love the buttons, thanks, sister for helping me choose the button!! It's a perfect match!!
扣子是妹妹幫忙挑的喔, 那時接近過年, 想說紅扣子超搭的說, 結果花這麼長時間才鉤好.

It's very difficult to take a good photo on "red" garment, flash or no flash, just can't seem to get a correct color.
紅色很難拍咧, 怎麼拍都有色差!

March 15, 2008

Newsboy Hats 報童帽

Yarn/線材: Rowan Handknit Cotton #318 Mint Green 薄荷綠 1.5/1.75 balls (small/large)
Pattern/圖樣: Courtesy of 桔寶寶
Tool/針號: Clover 3.0mm (small) 3.5mm (large)
Duration/製作日期: 2/9/08~2/16/08  

Ever since I started knitting I think I only made two sweaters for my 4-year-old, one is because everyone knows kids grow too fast, and with my knitting speed (slow!) I can never catch up; number two reason is it's a lot cheaper to buy sweaters than buy yarns to make them (this way I can more money to buy yarn for myself)!

When my 4-year-old saw this hat, he wants me to make one for him; he was so excited that he got to pick the color and the buttons. I never crochet a hat before, so I just followed the pattern, and it was fast, took me about 6 hours to make it, while I was making it, it looked kind of small, but I thought his head is not so big, it should fit if I stretch it a little bit... Well, it didn't fit!! It was too small, good thing it fits my 6-month-old! Whew!! Now, I need to make another one quick!! But I didn't know how to do increases to make it fit my 4-year-old, so I crochet crochet crochet, I increase increase increase, too big, ok, rip rip rip, crochet crochet crochet, rip rip rip....Finally it fits!!! The second hat took me 6 days, well, with couple hours of crocheting each day! Both kids are happy!! Me too!!
無意間逛到這頂可愛的報童帽, 從沒鉤過帽子的我一時興起問了四歲的老大喜不喜歡, 他馬上就催著要我趕快鉤給他!
從我開始迷上編織起, 很少有成品給小朋友, 總覺得他們長的太快了, 等我完成一件作品, 要不是季節已經不對, 要不就是他們又長大不能穿了. 而且說實在的, 買的還比我織的要便宜多啦, 所以扣扣還是留下來買我的線吧!

從來都沒有這麼快, 這麼打拼的完成一件作品, 我們家老大早催晚催, 一看到我就問, 只好犧牲睡眠趕工. 第一頂鉤好後, 居然太小了, 老大非常不爽, 還好六個月大的弟弟戴起來剛好(沒作白工呢)!
又趕快趕工, 還要加大尺寸, 又不會算, 真是頭痛呢! 努力的鉤, 鉤, 鉤, 鉤完了又太大, 就這樣拆拆鉤鉤, 總算交差啦!
