Red Capelet 夯夯夯的紅色斗篷
Yarn/線材: Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino 5 balls + 12gm, Color/色號: 700
Pattern/圖樣: Joey編織の屋 (2008年1月)
Tool/工具: Clover Lite 3.5mm
Duration/製作日期: 1/31/08~3/17/08
It seemed like I've converted to crochet now (ney, I still knit!), I mean crochet really goes a lot faster, I can see my FOs much faster than my knitting FOs. I love Joey's KAL, for Jan. 08 she picked out several projects for fellow bloggers to choose from, I chose this one! I joined the very last minute and already lots people finished their projects, most of them chose this capelet too, so I got to see what yarns other crocheters used for their capelets.
終於完成這件超夯的紅斗篷囉 好高興呢 粉滿意這次的成品唷!
當初在喊又時 已經是一片紅海了 但是真的粉喜歡這個樣式 就還是選了它了
我發現每次參加群編會我最大的問題就是選線 這回也不例外
原本想從自己手邊有的線挑 試了幾組 都不是太滿意 最後還是給毛線店再賺一筆了啦
This pattern wasn't very hard, I pretty much memorized the pattern after few repeats, I didn't have to make any alteration, just follow the pattern, voila!
I love the buttons, thanks, sister for helping me choose the button!! It's a perfect match!!
扣子是妹妹幫忙挑的喔, 那時接近過年, 想說紅扣子超搭的說, 結果花這麼長時間才鉤好.
It's very difficult to take a good photo on "red" garment, flash or no flash, just can't seem to get a correct color.
紅色很難拍咧, 怎麼拍都有色差!
紅色很難拍咧, 怎麼拍都有色差!