Crocheted Chrysanthemums 胸花完成囉!
Labels: crocheted chrysanthemums, FO
I love purple, anything with purple... 最近迷上編織瘋狂的織,織,織... 阿亮說過,"凡走過必留下痕跡",別忘了在我的comments box留下您的痕跡喔!
Labels: crocheted chrysanthemums, FO
Labels: Flower Scarf, FO, Real Simple Scarf
Labels: Crocheted Butterfly, FO
Isn't this cute? I found a Hikosen Cara store in Super Hmart! I've heard the Hmart for a long time, but it's kind of far for me to get to, I finally got a chance to go there on Saturday. I LOVE Hmart!! It's a Korean super supermarket, it's bigger than most of the oriental supermarkets and it got a food court sells Korean food, Japanese food, and Chinese food. There is also a bakery shop, their red bean and green tea bread is sooooo good, gotta go get some more. We walked around the supermarket, bought some stuff, go thru check out and there, another 8~10 stores waiting for you. The Hikosen Cara shop is right in front of me, I took my son in there, I found this little Monkey bag, it's purple (my favorite), it's compact, perfect for my little knitting project, I just have to have it, can you see it even got a little tail on his back. Just too cute!
怎麼樣?這個小包包可愛吧!我一直都很喜歡Hikosen Cara的包包,很想每個都抱回家.只是它的價格並不便宜.我只有在舊金山看過Hikosen Cara的東西,所以每次去都很敗家.星期六那天去了Hmart,一個韓國超市,很久前就聽過它的大名,但是對我們來說,還是有點遠.直到聽到堂姐說那裡的韓國食堂很棒,才決定去看看.這一去就愛上這裡了.超市比一般華人超市都大,東西又便宜,難怪很多人都往那裡跑了.逛完超市付完錢,一出來又有好幾家店,一眼看到Hikosen Cara眼睛都亮起來了.當然不能錯過啦!帶著兒子進去逛沒法逛太久只好大概瞄一下,瞄到這個猴子包,正好用來裝編織小物,從此可以邊走邊織囉! (要敗家前總要把所有理由都想好吧!)這個猴子包做的蠻精緻的還有個尾巴在後面呢!
And of course I have to find something to bribe my son, so I got this for him, a fanny pack. He likes it. I almost couldn't take the bag out of his hand to take pictures (you see the little fingers sneaking in?).
Labels: Misc
Yarn: Berroco Touche (50% cotton, 50% Modal Rayon, 89 yds/50g) #7913 Fondant - 2 skeins
I guess I really love this scarf, I dug out my stash yarn Cascade Pima Tencel (#1693, 2 balls) and made another one, this time I used Boye 3.75mm hook, and did 29 petals. This one is more close to the original design. Can you see my son trying to take pictures of my scarf for me?
Labels: Flower petal scarf, FO
Labels: FO, Tweed Beret
Finally!! Meet Bubble Pullover!
Labels: Bubble Pullover, FO