Purple Knit

I love purple, anything with purple... 最近迷上編織瘋狂的織,織,織... 阿亮說過,"凡走過必留下痕跡",別忘了在我的comments box留下您的痕跡喔!

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

March 30, 2007

Crocheted Chrysanthemums 胸花完成囉!

Yarn/毛線: DMC Cebelia Crochet Thread (100% cotton, size 20) #818 Pink/粉紅 - 1 ball/球
Pattern/圖樣: Kelly's Blog / Kelly@手作
Hook/針號: 0.90mm 蕾絲鉤針
Size/尺寸: 3" wide x 4" long/ 7cm 寬 10cm 長
Start/開始: 3/22/07
Finish/完成: 3/29/07

I got this pattern from Kelly, she did a fantastic job with her crocheted flowers, normally I would just admire the finished objects, this time I decided to give it a try. I first tried with size 10 crochet thread, the flower was floppy, didn't hold the shape; and then I tried with different sizes of lace crochet hooks, still not happy. So, I went to Hobby Lobby and found this size 20 DMC Cebelia thread and it comes in pink, much better color, yeah! Same thing, I tried few different sizes crochet hooks, of course, the "last one" I tried worked! This crochet thread is really really thin, and with the smallest crochet hook, my eyes were really tired from looking at the stitches so close. I'm very happy now that it is finished, this flower only used a small amount of the thread, if I want I can make more, but I don't think I will at this moment, I need to let my eyes and hands rest a little!!!

很感謝嘉莉分享這個胸花圖樣.常常都會去博客來網站去看看日本的編織書,總覺得那些作品都只能看看不太可能完成,當看到嘉莉的花,我好興奮喔!真的有人會織呢!所以去要了圖様,馬上就動手織了.一開始先試了10號線,不是很喜歡,花太大又太軟了,所以試試換鉤針,還是不滿意.直到找到這個DMC線,又是粉紅色的,太棒了!一樣,我試了幾組鉤針,最後決定用最細的針.嘉莉說的沒錯,細線細針的成品真的比較細緻,但鉤起來會要人命呀!鉤完這朵花後,眼睛脫窗,手也快抽筋了.還好結果還算滿意(但短期內我不可能再織一朵,得先讓我的眼睛休息休息啦!). 我現在知道為啥嘉莉不讓人家A了!!

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March 26, 2007

Flower Scarf & Real Simple Scarf 花朵 & 極簡圍巾

Yarn/毛線: Katia Gatsby (77% Viscose, 15% Polyamide, 8% Polyester, 115yd/50g) #88502 (黑/銀) - 1.25 balls/球
Pattern/圖樣: Joey's KAL Joey 編織屋
Hook/針號: #2
Size/尺寸: 158cm x 12cm

Yarn/毛線: S. Charles Ritratto (28% Mohair, 53% Viscose, 10 % Polyamide, 198yds/50g) #72 - 1.33 balls/球
Pattern/圖樣: Joey's KAL Joey 編織屋
Hook/針號: #2
Size/尺寸: 164cm x 9.5cm

Accidentally saw these scarves at Joey's Blog, they were doing a KAL, couldn't resist, just have to try it. I thought I no longer want to do scarves anymore, I thought I'm way beyond the scarves, but the scarves I saw these past few weeks were simply too cute to miss. Some of these patterns are from Japanese Knitting/crocheting books which I can never find it here, and even if I found some, it's in Japanese, unless you know how to read the chart, it's kind of hard to follow. Join the KAL for these projects is perfect, most likely you will find someone to help you if you do come to a problem. I'm glad I finished both of them within the time limit. YEAH!!



花朵就麻煩多了,試線就適了2~3組都不滿意,然後又換針,拆了好幾次才定案.這個圖樣也不那麼容易記起來,一直都得放在面前才行,要知道拆毛海還不如剪掉算了(我說的,真是對極了).線跟針都對了以後鉤起來就很順啦!全部都整理好了準備交作業時,才看到Joey說應該是鉤兩條再合併起來才算完成.嗯...我比較喜歡現在這樣,感覺比較秀氣,兩條併起來掛在身上對我這不高的人.....好啦!就這樣吧!算及格嗎, Joey?!

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March 22, 2007


Yarn: Berroco Softwist (59% Rayon, 41% Wool, 100yd/50g) #9446 (dye lot #79127, 88452) - 8 skeins
Size: Short Sleeves M (36-39")
Needles: Denise #9
Start: 2/14/07
Finish: 3/12/07

毛線: Berroco Softwist (59% 人造絲, 41% Wool 羊毛) #9446 - 8 捆
圖樣: Zephyr Style Wicked
尺寸: 短袖 M (胸圍36-39英吋)
針號: #9 輪針
開始: 2/14/07
完成: 3/12/07

I've always loved Zephyr Girls' patterns, this is the 3rd pattern I've knitted so far, just love it. It's knitted from the top down, you don't really need to pay too much attention to the knitting except for the neck band pattern part, it's perfect project for me right now (I seem to forget lots of little things so easily).

I should really make it size S, but I thought about my tummy getting big everyday, I kind of need something that can still cover my tummy, so I made size M. As you can see, it is huge on me, oh well, I'm still "growing", I'm sure it will serve it's purpose well. I didn't do the waist shaping at all, I just kept knitting till my desired length, and bind off. This Softwist is nice, smooth and stretchy, I chose it because of it's stretchiness (is this a word?), I want to make sure I can still wear it till I loose all the "baby" weight (who knows how long that would take ~sigh~).

One thing about the pattern, it says 600 yds for size M, since I had one skein of this Softwist in my stash, I knitted up a swatch and it worked, so I went back to the store and get 5 more skeins (there were total 7 skeins left, and they were in 2 different dye lots, fortunately these 2 lots are almost identical). I thought about getting all 7 skeins of them but I really needed 5 only, so I decide to save the money to buy something else. I knitted knitted and knitted and then somehow it just didn't seem right, I was down to the last ball of yarn and I still got the bottom band and 2 short sleeves. I better go get another skein while they still have it, and I did. Oh no, I thought one more skein should do it, I was at the 2ND sleeve band and out of yarn again! Of course I had to go back to the store and get that last skein. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have that last skein to finish the sweater. That's the disadvantage when using substitute yarns. Well, lesson learned again (remember my Bubble Pullover?)!!



說實在的,外面買的毛衣又好看又便宜,還有好多顏色可以挑,仔細找找還可以找到可進洗衣機的毛衣,加上現在有小孩,真的買現成的比較實在.自己織通常會買好一點的線,大多數好的線都需要手洗,挺麻煩呢!這一點自己知道就好了,老公還是讓他認為自己買線來織比較划算囉!自己織的毛衣有個好處,以後身材變了就把它拆了再重打就行啦! (哈哈!有可能嗎?)

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March 17, 2007

Butterfly 蝴蝶

Thanks a fellow blogger for this cute butterfly pattern, I got it on 3/14 and finished it in about 1/2 hour. It's so easy, and very lovely. I put it on my Flower Petel Scarf (also a share pattern from her), love it!!

謝謝紅豆提供的蝴蝶織圖,收到織圖當晚我就用織花瓣圍巾剩的線,把它完成了呢!只是跟圍巾同色就看不出來.所以又跑去敗了些新毛線,新線是Paton's Brilliant #3425 Sparkling Rose (粉紅加銀線),感覺很亮麗.這蝴蝶用線很少,看來我一些打毛衣用剩的線都該拿來鉤些蝴蝶啊,玫瑰的.這樣隨時可以搭配衣服也不錯呢!

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March 13, 2007

My new on the go knitting bag

Isn't this cute? I found a Hikosen Cara store in Super Hmart! I've heard the Hmart for a long time, but it's kind of far for me to get to, I finally got a chance to go there on Saturday. I LOVE Hmart!! It's a Korean super supermarket, it's bigger than most of the oriental supermarkets and it got a food court sells Korean food, Japanese food, and Chinese food. There is also a bakery shop, their red bean and green tea bread is sooooo good, gotta go get some more. We walked around the supermarket, bought some stuff, go thru check out and there, another 8~10 stores waiting for you. The Hikosen Cara shop is right in front of me, I took my son in there, I found this little Monkey bag, it's purple (my favorite), it's compact, perfect for my little knitting project, I just have to have it, can you see it even got a little tail on his back. Just too cute!

怎麼樣?這個小包包可愛吧!我一直都很喜歡Hikosen Cara的包包,很想每個都抱回家.只是它的價格並不便宜.我只有在舊金山看過Hikosen Cara的東西,所以每次去都很敗家.星期六那天去了Hmart,一個韓國超市,很久前就聽過它的大名,但是對我們來說,還是有點遠.直到聽到堂姐說那裡的韓國食堂很棒,才決定去看看.這一去就愛上這裡了.超市比一般華人超市都大,東西又便宜,難怪很多人都往那裡跑了.逛完超市付完錢,一出來又有好幾家店,一眼看到Hikosen Cara眼睛都亮起來了.當然不能錯過啦!帶著兒子進去逛沒法逛太久只好大概瞄一下,瞄到這個猴子包,正好用來裝編織小物,從此可以邊走邊織囉! (要敗家前總要把所有理由都想好吧!)這個猴子包做的蠻精緻的還有個尾巴在後面呢!

And of course I have to find something to bribe my son, so I got this for him, a fanny pack. He likes it. I almost couldn't take the bag out of his hand to take pictures (you see the little fingers sneaking in?).



March 12, 2007

Flower petal scarf 花瓣圍巾

Yarn: Berroco Touche (50% cotton, 50% Modal Rayon, 89 yds/50g) #7913 Fondant - 2 skeins
Pattern: Here, Thanks 紅豆 for sharing the pattern
Hook: Boye 4.25mm
Size: 6" x 46"
Start: 3/9/07
Finish: 3/11/07

線材:Berroco Touche (50% cotton, 50% Modal Rayon, 82 cm/50g) #7913 紫粉紅 - 2 捆
圖樣: 紅豆愛編織
針號: 4.25 mm 鈎針
尺寸: 15 cm 寬 117 cm 長
開始: 3/9/07
完成: 3/11/07

I saw my sis's finished Flower Petal scarf, it was love at first sight. I know I'm not so good at crocheting so I ask if she can make me one, she agreed, but then, I kept looking at it, kept looking at it, I decide I'm going to give it a try.


It wasn't too hard, I can memerize the pattern after only 2 petals, I finished the scarf in 2 days. My scarf was wider and shorter, I looked at sis's scarf, she did 31 petals, I only did 19 petals, my yarn was 20 sts to 1" vs. hers was 22 sts to 1" and I used a bigger hook. After I finished the scarf, I realize I did something wrong too, can you tell? If you can't, I won't tell neither!


I guess I really love this scarf, I dug out my stash yarn Cascade Pima Tencel (#1693, 2 balls) and made another one, this time I used Boye 3.75mm hook, and did 29 petals. This one is more close to the original design. Can you see my son trying to take pictures of my scarf for me?


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March 11, 2007

Tweed Beret

Yarn: Tahki Donegal Tweed (100% Wool; 183 yd/100g) #863 red - 1 skein
Pattern: IK Winter 2006
Needles: Boye #6 DPN, Balene #6 16"circular
Size: 19" head circumference
Start: 3/7/07
Finish: 3/10/07

線材: Tahki Donegal Tweed (100% Wool; 167 m/100g) #863 紅 - 1捆
圖樣: Interweave Knits 冬季號 2006
針號: Boye 6 號 雙頭棒針, Balene 6 號 16 英吋輪針
尺寸: 頭圍19吋
開始: 3/7/07
完成: 3/10/07

I thought this would be a simpler project to do after all the sweaters I've been knitting. I was lucky to find this yarn on sale at Knitche for 35% off, perfect timing! And for this project I only needed 1 skein, for $8 a skein, I get to have few days of fun, what a bargain!!


This was a fast knit, easy pattern, very straightforward, I had no problem at all. The only thing I changed was I did an I-cord twist instead of following the pattern's 1x1 rib. One thing about this project is the yarn, OH MY GOD, this yarn is so rough, I've been working with Merino yarn, this is total different for me. I guess in order to keep the form of the hat, the pattern calls for smaller needle, which made it difficult to knit to begin with and I was using the Balene circular needle, these needles are super sharp, my finger hurts from keep pushing the needle while I knit. I'm glad the hat turn out beautiful (as my son said), so it was worth the pain, I thought about making another one, but first, I gotta find either a different yarn or different circular needle, the combination I had was a no-no.

我猜大概是為了保持帽子的形狀,所以用較小的針號,加上我用的輪針針頭又超細的,在拉線跟不時的推針頭下,我的手又麻又痛,還好成品還算滿意(兒子說媽咪美美唷!). 做媽的好像都超容易滿足的厚,只要兒子說一聲,什麼都好啦!

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March 10, 2007

Bubble Pullover

Finally!! Meet Bubble Pullover!

Yarn: Berroco Pure Merino (100% Extra Fine Merino), #8550 Grape Jelly - 13 balls
Pattern: Knitting Nature Bubble Pullover
Needles: Denise #7 & Addi Turbo 16" circular #9
Size: Small to fit 34-38
Start: 10/07/06
Finish: 12/31/06

線材: Berroco Pure Merino (100% Extra Fine Merino), #8550 葡萄紫 - 13 球
圖樣: Knitting Nature Bubble Pullover
針號: Denise #7 & Addi Turbo 16" circular #9
尺寸: S (胸圍34 - 38英吋)
開始: 10/07/06
完成: 12/31/06

I first saw this sweater finished by couple fellow bloggers, one blogger Dragonfly Handspun is no longer "exist", the other is this one. The Dragonfly Handspun girl Amy used this yarn, and highly suggested it, I also like the idea of machine wash, so I decided to use the same yarn. I really really love this yarn, so smooth so soft, because it's merino, I don't have to worry the itchyness. The pattern starts with 8 pentagons, it was so much fun to knit and I was able to finish the pentagons within couple of weeks, the boring part was the sleeves, the bottom band and the collar. I did my 2 sleeves at the same time on the same needle and I only knit total of 22" not 25", I just couldn't imagine the 25" long sleeves on my 20" long arms. Now that it's all finished, I kind of wish I did the 25" so I can have the same "slouchy" feeling as the original sweater. Oh, well.

I also made a mistake with the bottom band, I started at the "wrong" pentagon, I didn't realize it till I was knitting the collar, I didn't want to rip the bottom band and half of the collar to re-do it, that's way to much ribbing to do. I thought about cut the bottom band and pickup sts at the correct spot and then somehow grafting together the cut piece and newly knit, still, I was too lazy to do it. And because I refuse to fix the mistakes, the buttons look weird when I put them on. Hell, I'll just put a shawl pin at the collar to hold it together for me to take a picture, I have to say, it wasn't a bad idea, I kind of like it. Anyway, I'll probably go back and fix all mistakes when I'm feel too guilty, as of now, it is finished to me!! I'm also very happy that it still fits me now that I'm 3.5 months pregnant!

最無聊的是下擺和領子,兩上兩下的鬆緊針打的我快瘋了,越打越慢,越打越無趣,最後逼著自己在年底織完它. 織是織完了,但是還得加上扣子,領子上的扣子怎麼弄都不好看,放棄啦!決定就先用根簪子代替吧,只要不露出內在美可以讓我好好照張相就好了.

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